Bourrit, Marc-Théodore (1739–1819)
Description des alpes pennines et rhetiennes (1781)
1, 819 33-34
Description des glacieres, glaciers & amas de glace (1773)
1, 819 31-32
Bouvard, Alexis (1767–1843) 2, 774 *
Bowdoin, James (1726–1790) 4, 677 212
Boyle, Charles, 3rd Viscount Dungarvan (1639–1694) 1, 243 R13-14
Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery (1674–1731) 2, 612 * [siehe Orrery]
Boyle, Robert (1627–1691) 1, 41 9. 4, 9 11 [s.a.u. Luftpumpe]
1, 303 R22
Bologneser Flaschen
1, 431 R2
Brief von Newton
1, 127 R4. 3, 557 131
Elastizität des Wassers
3, 117 31
1, 526 17. 4, 288 31
2, 26 *
1, 194 R26. 2, 197 24
Kompression der Luft
1, 290 18
2, 34 *. 3, 100 15-20
2, 253 22. 3, 390 25
2, 235 29 236 22.​31-33 237 2. 3, 385 24
nicht Erfinder
1, 243 R10-23 244 15-19
Quecksilber in der Torricellischen Röhre
3, 630 104
Salzigkeit des Meeres
5, 397 20 398 3
2, 34 1. 3, 99 29
3, 321 9
4, 603 444
A continuation of New Experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects (1669–1682)
1: 1669
1, 244 29-32
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744)
1, 244 32-33 303 R22-23. 3, 685 48
2: 1682
1, 24437-2451
Ausg. in ders., Works 4 (1744)
1, 245 1-2
Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda (lat. 1682)
4, 140 20-21
Certain physiological essays (1661)
3, 118 1
Tentamina quaedam physiologica (lat. 1661)
Historia fluiditatis et firmitatis
1, 74 17-18
Essays of the strange subtilty great efficacy determinate nature of effluviums (1673)
New experiments to make fire and flame ponderable
1, 461 4-6
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744)
1, 461 6
Exercitationes de atmosphaeris corporum consistentium; deque mira subtilitate, determinata natura, & insigni vi effluviorum (lat. 1676)
2, 34 2. 3, 99 29
Experiments and notes about the mechanical production of magnetism (1676)
4, 747 19
Hydrostatical paradoxes (1666)
Paradoxa hydrostatica (lat. 1669)
3, 593 3
Ausg. Genf 1680
3, 595 12
Medicina hydrostatica: Or, Hydrostatics applyed to the materia medica (1690)
3, 282 14
New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold begun (1665)
1, 505 4 523 20-21
1, 523 21-23
Ausg. in ders., Works 2 (1744)
1, 523 23-24
New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects (1660)
1, 244 25-27. 3, 385 32. 4, 548 203
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aeris elastica, & ejusdem effectibus (lat. 1661)
3, 386 1-2
Ausg. in ders., Works 1 (1744)
1, 244 17.​27-28
Opera varia (1676–1685)
1, 48 3
The general history of the air (1692)
1, 245 3-4
Ausg. in ders., Works 5 (1744)
1, 245 5
The philosophical works (hrsg. von P. Shaw 1725)
4, 289 11
The sceptical chymist (1661)
1, 832 14
Ausg. in ders., Works 1 (1744)
1, 832 14-15
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea (1674)
5, 807 471
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744)
1, 728 25-27. 5, 807 471
Tracts, Of, A discovery of the admirable rarefaction of the air […] (1671)
1, 244 34-36
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744)
1, 244 36
Works (1744)
1, 48 5-6 74 19 199 R24-26 244 R1
Bracciani siehe Orsini, Paolo Giordano II., Herzog von Bracciano
Brachner, Alto
G.F. Brander, 1713-1783: wissenschaftliche Instrumente aus seiner Werkstatt (1983)
4, 481 254. 6, 71 (69) 128 (153) 192 (232) 266 (331) 294 (*23[a]) 467 (377)
Brack, NN
Histoire du magnétisme en France (1784)
4, 815 308
Bradley, James (1692–1762)
2, 632 28 632 633 25.​32. 3, 467 162. 5, 41 17 85 24
zur Person
2, 632 21. 5, 87 14
Miscellaneous works and correspondence (1832)
5, 605 234
Right ascensions and zenith distances of the moon (1776 [1778])
5, 605 234
Erläuterungen zum Register finden Sie in der Einleitung zu Band 7.

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