Grant, Roger (†1724)
Heilung eines Blindgeborenen
1, 348 R7
Graumann, Peter Benedikt Christian (1752–1803)
Disputatio inauguralis medica (1776)
4, 378 15
’s Gravesande, Willem Jacob (1688–1742) [s.a.u. Luftpumpe]
3, 204 3
follis hydrostaticus
1, 163 30. 2, 158 19
2, 237 39. 3, 387 4-5
Maß der Kraft
2, 150 5. 3, 252 21-22 253 10
1, 630R35-631R1
Philosophiae Newtonianae institutiones (1723)
3, 540 47
Physices elementa mathematica experimentis confirmata (1720 u.ö.)
1, 43 42-44. 3, 59 8
1, 113 R7 923 4. 2, 96 22. 3, 182 6-7
1, 113 R7. 2, 96 23. 3, 182 6-7
3, 454 76 593 4
Elemens de physique demontrez mathematiquement (frz. von E. de Joncourt 1746)
6, 54 (47) 85 (97) 96 (106) 99 (110) 101 (111) 112 (119) 156 (191) 157 (192) 441 (354) 503 (409) 507 (412) 509 (413)
Huygens, Opera varia (1724)
1, 48 18
Gray, John
The Philosophical Transactions abridged (1733)
1, 50 1-2. 3, 111 3
Gray, Samuel Frederick (1780–1836)
The operative chemist (1828)
6, 563 (476)
Der practische Chemiker und Manufacturist (dt. 1829)
6, 563 (476)
Gray, Stephen (1666–1736)
1, 526 19. 4, 261 17 270 26 292 12 311 5 317 21
A letter to Cromwell Mortimer containing several experiments concerning electricity (1731)
4, 626 2 719 386
A letter to Dr. Mortimer containing a farther account of his experiments concerning electricity (1732)
4, 288 31-32
A letter to Dr. Mortimer containing some experiments relating to electricity (1735)
4, 626 2
An account of some electrical experiments (1735–1736)
1, 573 5-6. 4, 317 11 724 422
Experiments and observations upon the light that is produced by communicating electrical attraction to animal or inanimate bodies (1735–1736)
1, 557 4-7
His last letter to Granville Wheler concerning the revolutions which small pendulous bodies will, by electricity, make round larger ones from west to east as the planets do round the sun (1736)
1, 573 5-6. 4, 317 7 724 422
Gregor XIII., Papst 1572–1585 (1502–1585) 2, 736 37 737 1.​33.​39 738 1.​11.​13. 5, 133 22-23
1, 67037-6711
Gregory, David (1661–1710) 4, 63 6
Astronomiae physicae & geometricae elementa (1702)
1, 719 32-34. 5, 666 670
The elements of astronomy, physical and geometrical (1715)
5, 653 577
Catoptricae et dioptricae sphaericae elementa (1695)
1, 415 34-35 424 24-25 949 20
Gregory, James (1638–1675)
1, 413 11.​R16. 2, 404 19. 4, 63 5 87 17
Optica promota (1663)
1, 424 R1-3. 4, 438 83
Gregory, John (1724–1773)
A father’s legacy to his daughters. To which is prefixed an account of the life of the author (1788)
1, 949 21-22
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