Hall, Diana Long
The iatromechanical background of Lagrange’s theory of animal heat (1971)
3, 730 442
Hall, Marie Boas (1919–2009)
Newton’s electric spirit: Four oddities (1959)
4, 670 165
Halle, Johann Samuel (1727–1810)
5, 253 5
Fortgesetzte Magie, Bd. 2 (1789)
1, 32 R25-32
Magie (1783–1786)
1, 32 18-19 296 3. 4, 382 23-24 812 295 813 297
Werkstäte der heutigen Künste oder die neue Kunsthistorie (1761–1779)
5, 716 987.​988
Haller, Albrecht von (1708–1777) 1, 127 14. 3, 570 211
2, 249 5
2, 172 6. 3, 601 34. 4, 648 90
in England bekannt
3, 6 21
nicht auf Mathematik gestützte Beiträge zur Naturlehre
2, 21 14. 3, 40 31
2, 838 14
Versuch Schweizerischer Gedichten (1732 u.ö.)
Die Alpen (1729)
1, 967 28. 2, 829 35. 5, 335 14
Ausg. Zürich 1762 u.d.T. »Gedichte des Herrn von Haller«
5, 753 128
Boerhaave, Methodus studii medici (1751)
1, 42 18
Haller, Jean Emanuel von (1761–1781) 6, 69 (67)
tödlicher Badeunfall
2, 172 6. 3, 270 29. 4, 648 90
Halley, Edmond (1656–1742)
auf St. Helena
2, 829 7. 5, 332 29-30
Bestimmung des Abstands Erde-Sonne mittels Venusdurchgang
2, 652 1-13. 5, 44 4-5 45 3 93 10-11 9534-962
Erderwärmung durch Sonneneinstrahlung
1, 962 26. 5, 491 12
1, 755 9. 2, 845 25. 4, 753 36. 5, 423 4 426 24-25 429 14-15 431 17 432 6.​25 484 31 487 31 762 205
2, 762 4.​20 764 3.​23. 5, 56 27 164 4 s.a. Komet(en) – Halleyscher
Kompression der Luft
1, 290 19
2, 935 12. 5, 372 26 496 12 790 362
2, 744 20. 5, 151 6.​8.​11
1, 689 8. 2, 706 27. 5, 120 13 254 28 255 32
1, 812 43. 5, 489 9 890 972
2, 826 11-12 828 34. 5, 330 18.​23 332 23 334 17
Salzigkeit des Meeres
2, 820 28. 5, 326 24 397 3 398 2
1, 312 22
1, 234 R19. 2, 220 28.​30.​35 222 15 821 36. 5, 399 18
1, 466 26. 4, 159 20 160 27
2, 857 24 858 13. 5, 351 6-7 442 8
A discourse concerning the proportional heat of the sun in all latitudes (1693)
1, 660 28-32. 5, 901 1022
A discourse of the rule of the decrease of the height of the mercury in the barometer (1686)
5, 790 362 909 1054.​1055.​1056.​1057
A new and correct chart shewing the variations of the compass (1701)
5, 823 581 829 625
A short account of the cause of the saltness of the ocean (1714–1716)
5, 806 467
A theory of the variation of the magnetical compass (1683)
1, 755 21-24. 5, 828 621
An account of several experiments made to examine the nature of the expansion and contraction of fluids by the heat and cold (1693)
1, 443 28-29. 4, 540 183
An account of the cause of the change of the variation of the magnetical needle (1686–1692)
1, 755 25-28. 5, 826 601 828 621
An account of the circulation of the watry vapours of the sea and of the cause of springs (1686–1692)
1, 744 6-9
An account of the late surprizing appearance of the lights seen in the air, on the sixth of March last (1714–1716)
1, 813 1. 5, 487 32 489 10 889 968 890 971 891 975 892 978 897 1003
An Addition to the Description of the Art of living under Water (1720–1721)
2, 220 *
An estimate of the quantity of vapours raised out of the sea (1705)
1, 775 28-31. 5, 750 108.​109
An historical account of the trade winds, and monsoons (1686–1692)
1, 764 27-33. 5, 761 201.​203 789 356 790 362
Astronomiae cometicae synopsis (1704–1705)
2, 762 . 5, 57 8-9 285 15-16 287 12-13 652 572 653 575.​578 733 1118.​1122 734 1130
A synopsis of the astronomy of comets (engl. 1705 u.ö.)
5, 653 577 733 1119
Ausg. in ders., Tabulae Astronomicae (1749)
5, 285 16-21 287 18-19
De visibili Conjunctione Inferiorum Planetarum cum sole (1686–1692)
2, 652 *
Methodus singularis quâ Solis Parallaxis sive distantia à Terra, ope Veneris intra Solem conspiciendae, tuto determinari poterit (1714–1716)
2, 652 *
The art of living under water (1714–1716)
2, 220 *. 5, 807 482
The true theory of the tides (1695–1697)
1, 770 31-35. 5, 763 216 764 227
Hallströmm siehe Hällström, Gustaf Gabriel
Halma, Nicolas B. (1755–1828)
[1813] Ptolemaios, Almagest
2, 604 *
Hamberger, Adolf Albrecht (1737–1789)
Allgemeine Experimental-Naturlehre (1774)
1, 46 18-20
Hamberger, Georg Erhard (1697–1755)
2, 249 5
Dissertatio physica de experimento, ab Hugenio, pro causa gravitatis explicanda, invento (1723)
1, 121 19-21
Dankwerts, De fontium origine (1733)
1, 743 36
Dissertatio physica de cohaesione et attractione corporum (1732)
1, 125 3-5
Elementa physices (21735)
1, 44 25-26
1, 34 17-20 125 6-7
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