Bourrit, Marc-Théodore (1739–1819) |
Schriften |
Description des alpes pennines et rhetiennes (1781) |
1, 819 33-34 |
Description des glacieres, glaciers & amas de glace (1773) |
1, 819 31-32 |
Bouvard, Alexis (1767–1843) |
2, 774 * |
Bowdoin, James (1726–1790) |
4, 677 212 |
Boyle, Charles, 3rd Viscount Dungarvan (1639–1694) |
1, 243 R13-14 |
Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery (1674–1731) |
2, 612 * [siehe Orrery] |
Boyle, Robert (1627–1691) |
1, 41 9. 4, 9 11 [s.a.u. Luftpumpe] |
Barometer |
1, 303 R22 |
Bologneser Flaschen |
1, 431 R2 |
Brief von Newton |
1, 127 R4. 3, 557 131 |
Elastizität des Wassers |
3, 117 31 |
Elektrizität |
1, 526 17. 4, 288 31 |
Irländer |
2, 26 * |
Kapillareffekt |
1, 194 R26. 2, 197 24 |
Kompression der Luft |
1, 290 18 |
Lebensumstände |
2, 34 *. 3, 100 15-20 |
Luftarten |
2, 253 22. 3, 390 25 |
Luftpumpe |
2, 235 29 236 22.31-33 237 2. 3, 385 24 |
nicht Erfinder |
1, 243 R10-23 244 15-19 |
Quecksilber in der Torricellischen Röhre |
3, 630 104 |
Salzigkeit des Meeres |
5, 397 20 398 3 |
Teilbarkeit |
2, 34 1. 3, 99 29 |
Verbrennungsprozeß |
3, 321 9 |
Wärme |
4, 603 444 |
Schriften |
A continuation of New Experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects (1669–1682) |
1: 1669 |
1, 244 29-32 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744) |
1, 244 32-33 303 R22-23. 3, 685 48 |
2: 1682 |
1, 24437-2451 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 4 (1744) |
1, 245 1-2 |
Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda (lat. 1682) |
4, 140 20-21 |
Certain physiological essays (1661) |
3, 118 1 |
Tentamina quaedam physiologica (lat. 1661) |
Historia fluiditatis et firmitatis |
1, 74 17-18 |
Essays of the strange subtilty great efficacy determinate nature of effluviums (1673) |
New experiments to make fire and flame ponderable |
1, 461 4-6 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744) |
1, 461 6 |
Exercitationes de atmosphaeris corporum consistentium; deque mira subtilitate, determinata natura, & insigni vi effluviorum (lat. 1676) |
2, 34 2. 3, 99 29 |
Experiments and notes about the mechanical production of magnetism (1676) |
4, 747 19 |
Hydrostatical paradoxes (1666) |
Paradoxa hydrostatica (lat. 1669) |
3, 593 3 |
Ausg. Genf 1680 |
3, 595 12 |
Medicina hydrostatica: Or, Hydrostatics applyed to the materia medica (1690) |
3, 282 14 |
New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold begun (1665) |
1, 505 4 523 20-21 |
21683 |
1, 523 21-23 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 2 (1744) |
1, 523 23-24 |
New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects (1660) |
1, 244 25-27. 3, 385 32. 4, 548 203 |
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aeris elastica, & ejusdem effectibus (lat. 1661) |
3, 386 1-2 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 1 (1744) |
1, 244 17.27-28 |
Opera varia (1676–1685) |
1, 48 3 |
The general history of the air (1692) |
1, 245 3-4 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 5 (1744) |
1, 245 5 |
The philosophical works (hrsg. von P. Shaw 1725) |
4, 289 11 |
The sceptical chymist (1661) |
1, 832 14 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 1 (1744) |
1, 832 14-15 |
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea (1674) |
5, 807 471 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744) |
1, 728 25-27. 5, 807 471 |
Tracts, Of, A discovery of the admirable rarefaction of the air […] (1671) |
1, 244 34-36 |
Ausg. in ders., Works 3 (1744) |
1, 244 36 |
Works (1744) |
1, 48 5-6 74 19 199 R24-26 244 R1 |
Bracciani |
siehe Orsini, Paolo Giordano II., Herzog von Bracciano |
Brachner, Alto |
Herausgeber |
G.F. Brander, 1713-1783: wissenschaftliche Instrumente aus seiner Werkstatt (1983) |
4, 481 254. 6, 71 (69) 128 (153) 192 (232) 266 (331) 294 (*23[a]) 467 (377) |
Brack, NN |
Schriften |
Histoire du magnétisme en France (1784) |
4, 815 308 |
Bradley, James (1692–1762) |
Aberration |
2, 632 28 632 † 633 25.32. 3, 467 162. 5, 41 17 85 24 |
zur Person |
2, 632 21. 5, 87 14 |
Schriften |
Miscellaneous works and correspondence (1832) |
5, 605 234 |
Right ascensions and zenith distances of the moon (1776 [1778]) |
5, 605 234 |