Hall, Diana Long |
Schriften |
The iatromechanical background of Lagrange’s theory of animal heat (1971) |
3, 730 442 |
Hall, Marie Boas (1919–2009) |
Schriften |
Newton’s electric spirit: Four oddities (1959) |
4, 670 165 |
Halle, Johann Samuel (1727–1810) |
Uhren |
5, 253 5 |
Schriften |
Fortgesetzte Magie, Bd. 2 (1789) |
1, 32 R25-32 |
Magie (1783–1786) |
1, 32 18-19 296 3. 4, 382 23-24 812 295 813 297 |
Werkstäte der heutigen Künste oder die neue Kunsthistorie (1761–1779) |
5, 716 987.988 |
Haller, Albrecht von (1708–1777) |
1, 127 14. 3, 570 211 |
Anatomie |
2, 249 5 |
Enkel |
2, 172 6. 3, 601 34. 4, 648 90 |
in England bekannt |
3, 6 21 |
nicht auf Mathematik gestützte Beiträge zur Naturlehre |
2, 21 14. 3, 40 31 |
Sintflut |
2, 838 14 |
Schriften |
Versuch Schweizerischer Gedichten (1732 u.ö.) |
Die Alpen (1729) |
1, 967 28. 2, 829 35. 5, 335 14 |
Ausg. Zürich 1762 u.d.T. »Gedichte des Herrn von Haller« |
5, 753 128 |
Herausgeber |
Boerhaave, Methodus studii medici (1751) |
1, 42 18 |
Haller, Jean Emanuel von (1761–1781) |
6, 69 (67) |
tödlicher Badeunfall |
2, 172 6. 3, 270 29. 4, 648 90 |
Halley, Edmond (1656–1742) |
auf St. Helena |
2, 829 7. 5, 332 29-30 |
Bestimmung des Abstands Erde-Sonne mittels Venusdurchgang |
2, 652 1-13. 5, 44 4-5 45 3 93 10-11 9534-962 |
Erderwärmung durch Sonneneinstrahlung |
1, 962 26. 5, 491 12 |
Erdmagnetismus |
1, 755 9. 2, 845 25. 4, 753 36. 5, 423 4 426 24-25 429 14-15 431 17 432 6.25 484 31 487 31 762 205 |
Komet |
2, 762 4.20 764 3.23. 5, 56 27 164 4 s.a. Komet(en) – Halleyscher |
Kompression der Luft |
1, 290 19 |
Luftdruckschwankungen |
2, 935 12. 5, 372 26 496 12 790 362 |
Merkurdurchgang |
2, 744 20. 5, 151 6.8.11 |
Mondbeobachtung |
1, 689 8. 2, 706 27. 5, 120 13 254 28 255 32 |
Nordlicht |
1, 812 43. 5, 489 9 890 972 |
Quellen |
2, 826 11-12 828 34. 5, 330 18.23 332 23 334 17 |
Salzigkeit des Meeres |
2, 820 28. 5, 326 24 397 3 398 2 |
Schallgeschwindigkeit |
1, 312 22 |
Taucherglocke |
1, 234 R19. 2, 220 28.30.35 222 15 821 36. 5, 399 18 |
Thermometer |
1, 466 26. 4, 159 20 160 27 |
Winde |
2, 857 24 858 13. 5, 351 6-7 442 8 |
Schriften |
A discourse concerning the proportional heat of the sun in all latitudes (1693) |
1, 660 28-32. 5, 901 1022 |
A discourse of the rule of the decrease of the height of the mercury in the barometer (1686) |
5, 790 362 909 1054.1055.1056.1057 |
A new and correct chart shewing the variations of the compass (1701) |
5, 823 581 829 625 |
A short account of the cause of the saltness of the ocean (1714–1716) |
5, 806 467 |
A theory of the variation of the magnetical compass (1683) |
1, 755 21-24. 5, 828 621 |
An account of several experiments made to examine the nature of the expansion and contraction of fluids by the heat and cold (1693) |
1, 443 28-29. 4, 540 183 |
An account of the cause of the change of the variation of the magnetical needle (1686–1692) |
1, 755 25-28. 5, 826 601 828 621 |
An account of the circulation of the watry vapours of the sea and of the cause of springs (1686–1692) |
1, 744 6-9 |
An account of the late surprizing appearance of the lights seen in the air, on the sixth of March last (1714–1716) |
1, 813 1. 5, 487 32 489 10 889 968 890 971 891 975 892 978 897 1003 |
An Addition to the Description of the Art of living under Water (1720–1721) |
2, 220 * |
An estimate of the quantity of vapours raised out of the sea (1705) |
1, 775 28-31. 5, 750 108.109 |
An historical account of the trade winds, and monsoons (1686–1692) |
1, 764 27-33. 5, 761 201.203 789 356 790 362 |
Astronomiae cometicae synopsis (1704–1705) |
2, 762 ‡. 5, 57 8-9 285 15-16 287 12-13 652 572 653 575.578 733 1118.1122 734 1130 |
A synopsis of the astronomy of comets (engl. 1705 u.ö.) |
5, 653 577 733 1119 |
Ausg. in ders., Tabulae Astronomicae (1749) |
5, 285 16-21 287 18-19 |
De visibili Conjunctione Inferiorum Planetarum cum sole (1686–1692) |
2, 652 * |
Methodus singularis quâ Solis Parallaxis sive distantia à Terra, ope Veneris intra Solem conspiciendae, tuto determinari poterit (1714–1716) |
2, 652 * |
The art of living under water (1714–1716) |
2, 220 *. 5, 807 482 |
The true theory of the tides (1695–1697) |
1, 770 31-35. 5, 763 216 764 227 |
Hallströmm |
siehe Hällström, Gustaf Gabriel |
Halma, Nicolas B. (1755–1828) |
Übersetzer |
[1813] Ptolemaios, Almagest |
2, 604 * |
Hamberger, Adolf Albrecht (1737–1789) |
Schriften |
Allgemeine Experimental-Naturlehre (1774) |
1, 46 18-20 |
Hamberger, Georg Erhard (1697–1755) |
Anatomie |
2, 249 5 |
Dissertatio physica de experimento, ab Hugenio, pro causa gravitatis explicanda, invento (1723) |
1, 121 19-21 |
Präses |
Dankwerts, De fontium origine (1733) |
1, 743 36 |
Schriften |
Dissertatio physica de cohaesione et attractione corporum (1732) |
1, 125 3-5 |
Elementa physices (21735) |
1, 44 25-26 |
31741 |
1, 34 17-20 125 6-7 |